Friday, November 11, 2016

Lemko Hall

Band you play up like they're your favorite band, but, in reality, you only listen to them on rare occasions because their records are really deep and aurally exhausting:

Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Band you list as an influence despite having no overlapping sonic characteristics, but you looked up "post-rock" on Wikipedia and saw that they're listed as pioneers of the genre:


Perfect example of a band that's characterized as "post-rock" only because there's barely any vocals, otherwise, they're straight up instrumental indie rock:

The Album Leaf

Band you should listen to: Lemko Hall

Lemko Hall is a band that nobody listens to and is better than almost any post-rock band I've ever heard. They're biggest claim to fame is a split they put out with Tristeza. It's amazing to me that such a relatively obscure band from Malmö, Sweden manages to outperform 99 percent of the genre with only a baker's dozen worth of tracks and no online presence, save for a bandcamp page and a few YouTube videos.

Very few bass riffs can be characterized as a "bass lick" and this track opens with one of them. This is supreme bass lick territory. The track evolves into something you'd hear on Spiderland, though not quite as dissonant.

The second half of this track rivals anything you'd hear on early Mogwai records, which speaks volumes. It's music that just turns your brain off so you can get lost in what you're hearing.

This is a band that should be one of the cornerstone bands of the genre. Instead, they're a reclusive Scandinavian band that may or may not be active and had no interest in promotion or press. So, maybe they actually are a cornerstone post-rock band, after all.

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